6. The amazing formulas deduced from the system.

check out these formulas that I deduce from my theory, these are NOT a guessed formulas.

fine structure constant ,alpha= α = 7.297352568 × 10−3

1/m_e= (27/2)*(1/alpha -2 -alpha )= 1822.88747 

where alpha/FSC =.007297352568, charge ^2=3, 27=3^3, m_e, m_p are electron and proton mass
.................................................. .................................................. ..............

Also first term 27*(1/(2*alpha) )=1849.98599...
Two terms 27*(1/(2*alpha) -1 )= 1822.98599
average (1849.98599+1822.98599)/2 -1/3= 1836.15266 electron-proton ratio !!!

Actually 27=3^3, 3 is equal to e^2(charge squared!!) in my system, the long term not the running phase.


M_p/m_e= (27/2)*(1/(alpha) -1) -1/3 = 1836.152654

Also reversing the relation I find

1/alpha= (2/3)(1/m_e*e^4) +2 +(3/2)(m_e*e^4) = 137.036...

Approx.(m_e=1/1822.8885) (e^2=3), e^4=9

beautiful symmetry. all these equation can also be written in a form that uses the golden and silver ratios (google)


electron g-factor=(4m_e/3eh)*(2/(3*m_e*alpha) - 2*e^2 -1)


.. e=3(charge square),h actually h_bar=(e/alpha)^.5=20.2758.. m_e=.00054858
